A lot of white floral art work on a contrastingly dark background, either on the entire portion or sections of the saree, it most probably would be Batik printing. pure batik painted sarees TRADITIONAL BATIK HAND PAINTED COTTON SAREES ON A wave of fresh breeze, novel and catchy, Batik prints are eye-catching for their picturesque white designs on coloured canvas. Batik on sarees came as a tried-out experiment that succeeded. An art from countries like Indonesia and China, our traditional stylists have over a period evolved a unique style of their own. PURE BATIK COTTON SAREES COLLECTION Using ‘resists’ for making designs on a fabric, the conventional Batik process has a resist or a physical block in some form or the other to prevent desired areas on the fabric from being penetrated by the initial dye. Generally wax is used as a resist in Batik. The block printed areas where resists are in place, come out as un-dyed areas in the dyed fabric and c...